Play aids


ftmap creates game maps in GIF format. This is useful for PBEM games or for running Full Thrust on the computer. The program is very flexible and allows you to use any GIF image for your ships and background. It runs on Microsoft Windows 95/NT and Unix, and any other computer with an ANSI C compiler. The manual describes what it can do and how to do it.


ftdeck is a set of damage threshold cards, that speeds up the resolution of threshold rolls. They can be used where speed of play is essential, such as convention games. The cards are generated by a program that is available for those who may wish to generate their own decks. The manual describes how to use the threshold cards.


Thrust is a Windows 95 tool for Full Thrust and Dirtside II. It does various game management tasks such as rolling dice and chit drawing, sadly it doesn't run on modern systems being 32 bit only-John L Izbrand


    • PBEM spread sheets containing the linked workbooks to run a game. Covers basic cinematic movement, range and postion reports and basic maps (XLS) -Jon Davis

    • PBEM spread sheets covers basic vector movement, range and postion reports and map output for ftmap (XLS) -Jon Davis

    • Spread sheets for real thrust vector movement (XLS/SLK) -Brendan Robertson

    • Fighter and missile quick calculator, calculates the course distance between two points (XLS) -Brian Bell

Quick Reference Charts

A useful aid for looking up a systems die rolls and ranges. If you use a particular system or rule regularly you won't need them, but they are great for beginners.

    • Weapons chart in Microsoft Word format (DOC) -Thomas Heaney

Turn Gauges

The turn gauge allows ship movement without the restrictions of hex based games.

Click images for full size image

Traditional lasso gauge (EPS) -Sam Reynolds