Online community

Mailing List

gzg-l & gzg-digest 

These have both shut down now after years of service. The archive is still up at and can be searched for posts during the keyday 1996 - 2017

Fan Websites

It's a constant battle to keep links relevant as sites come and go as people lose interest and stop paying their hosting or go out of print, business. Those marked OFFLINE are no longer with us and it's a reminder to find them on WM Wayback Machine. 

Much of the active community has moved to the walled garden of Facebook which is a real shame as it's pretty useless for finding anything and seems to be mostly ads for 3d models interspersed with more interesting AARs and the same questions ad infinitum. But if someone else is paying the hosting it's the path of least resistance. 

Going back to fan websites would be a net positive for the community as the game is still very popular with new players still finding it. These website solutions have been tried and tested.

Google sites is a very capable system for beginners (this is Google sites site) that will host a reasonable sized site on your free 5GB Google account allowance. 

Other people use Blogger again free but it's not ideal as its a blogging platform. I've tried Wordpress and it's great once it's setup but it needs a relatively expensive hosting setup due to dynamic database access, unless you use with its pretty crippled free tier.

For more advanced users who understand the web tech stacks, I'd strongly recommend the 11ty framework with free storage on github and free starter hosting on netlify. It's basically free, you just need an optional domain name and very efficient as you can author in any text editor using markdown. You can run a large site for $10 a year on a basic domain name. It's also blindingly fast serving pages in 200ms.

Your site not here?  we post links to any Full Thrust related content


Site archaeology section, surprising what you can still find:

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Commerical Websites

Official Tuffleyverse

Related Space Gaming Sites

Dynamic Bookmarks

Collection of full thrust related links as I find them, these will get added to the resource list over time.